Monday, April 25, 2011

Diamonds in Small Hands

Diamonds represent wealth and luxury. A diamond ring symbolises marriage: a unity between two people who love and trust each other.

These little hands holding this precious diamond ring is ironic. There is an element of trust as I allow her to play with the ring, hoping her one year old mind doesn't mistake it for something edible. 

These are the hands of my beautiful niece Sofia Grace.



I'm not really sure how it relates but somehow in my mind it does. I took this photo in New York City. We were in a daze when we entered this shop, caused by the over stimulation and exhaustion of shopping. Who could have thought shopping could be so strenuous.

The amount of product is over whelming.

In this photo it illustrates this. The choice and variety you are faced with. A simple hat has now become a luxury item.


'She told me there would be diamonds'

Red Lips: Seduction and Glamour.
News Paper: Crime and Murder.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cola or Cocaine?

This photo was taken in a super market in New York. The idea of trust is explored through this image.

According to Wiki "Coca-Cola did once contain an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per glass, but in 1903 it was removed."

By replacing 'Coca-Cola' with 'Cocaine' you double take. It makes you consider what is really in Coke and in a wider sense what is really in the food you buy at the super markets: the hidden chemicals and preservatives. In a sense we are trusting the multi billion dollar companies with our health. This goes on to explore the idea of trusting those in power and how we have little control over our country and in some cases our immediate reality. 

Is She Floating in Luxury

This image is ambiguous. She looks completely relaxed but her expression is so lifeless it makes me wonder if she is alive.

As she floats she is at the mercy of the sea. She is completely isolated and engulfed by nature and in turn she is trusting it and letting it take her.

Luxury can be seen as a rare beautiful experience. In this sense nature has become a luxury as we destroy our environment and pollute our water.

Alone or Trapped in Luxury

Presenting a duality.

She sits alone, surrounded by luscious wall paper and velvet curtains. Served with exotic fruits.

Unbeknown to her she is being watched. Does she trust her surroundings? Is she comfortable? Or does she feel trapped?